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archived   Personality Psychology :: in English :: 28. 10. 2006 ::
  Ulf-Dietrich Reips
University of Zurich
  The purpose of this study is to learn more about the relationship between personality traits and attitudes toward sexual relationships. This study involves completing an anonymous survey about your personality traits and your attitudes toward sexual relationships. Completing the survey should take around 30 to 40 minutes. You will be given a login and password, so you may interrupt answering the survey at any time and come back later to finish the survey.
archived   Personality Psychology :: in English :: 29. 10. 2010 ::
:: Help Science, Describe Your Personality ::
  iScience group
Universidad de Deusto
  Help scientists in the development of a new personality test!
very cool
archived   Personality Psychology :: in English :: 02. 10. 2007 ::
:: Scientific Personality Test ::
  Ulf-Dietrich Reips
University of Zürich
  Learn more about yourself when taking this test. You will receive feedback on all five basic personality dimensions.
archived   Neuropsychology :: in English :: 15. 07. 2014 ::
:: Number Comparison ::
  Mojtaba Soltanlou, Stefan Huber, Ulf-Dietrich Reips, Hans-Christoph Nuerk
Diagnostics and Cognitive Neuropsychology, Universities of Tübingen and Konstanz
  In this experiment stimuli consist of 2 two-digit Arabic numbers, which appear diagonally on the center of a white browser window. The pairs vary only in their numerical values but have constant physical black Arial font. The task will start with an instruction, which asks participants to indicate which number is larger, by pressing the up arrow-key with the middle finger and the down arrow-key with the index finger of the dominant hand. The experiment is preceded by a training session, which allows subjects to complete 12 trials to familiarize themselves with the comparison required and the timing of the task. The experiment consists of 360 trials in 2 parts with a self-paced break. Participants are asked to respond as quickly as possible but to take care to avoid errors. Each trial is ended with the participant’s response. The whole experiment will take about 20 minutes, but may be shorter or longer based on reaction times.
archived   Cognitve Psychology :: in English :: 24. 05. 2011 ::
:: Guestimation 2 ::
  Christopher R. Wolfe
Miami University
  Read brief problem descriptions and estimate the probability of some events. Some people will be asked whether some statements are logical. This takes most people less than 20 minutes.
Takes most people less than 20 minutes total.
archived   Personality Psychology :: in Deutsch :: 08. 06. 2005 ::
:: Bewertung von Selbstaussagen ::
  Frederik Funke & Ulf-Dietrich Reips
Universität Zürich
  Bei der folgenden Onlinebefragung sollen Sie Aussagen zu Ihrem Selbstbild bewerten. Die Befragung läuft bis zum 1. Juli. Klicken Sie zum Beginnen auf die Überschrift!
Danke für Ihre Teilnahme!
archived   Social Psychology :: in English :: 29. 10. 2006 ::
:: Sex and crime ::
  Ulf-Dietrich Reips*, Mike Mangan**
*Universität Zürich, Switzerland **University of New Hampshire, USA
  A very brief study that may help in better understanding the link between certain sexual and some potentially criminal behaviors.
takes 2-3 minutes only
archived   Methodology :: in Deutsch :: 18. 04. 2006 ::
:: 7 kurze Fragen an Skitourenfahrer ::
  Olivier Meyenhofer
Abteilung Sozial- und Wirtschaftspsychologie, Universität Zürichans
  Diese Umfrage richtet sich an Skitourenfahrer, welche in dieser Saison (Winter 05/06) mindestens einmal auf einer Tour waren.
Dauert keine 3 Minuten! Nur 7 kurze, einfache Fragen.
archived   Social Psychology :: in Deutsch :: 19. 05. 2000 ::
:: Untersuchung zum Thema "Seitensprung" bzw. "Fremdgehen" ::
  Ulf-Dietrich Reips, Jochen Musch, Christoph Neuhaus, Ralph Lengler
Universitäten Zürich und Bonn
  Dauer: ca. 10 Minuten
archived   other :: in English :: 10. 06. 2004 ::
:: College Faculty Internet Use Survey ::
  steve jones
university of illinois at chicago
  This research project will explore various aspects of Internet use by college instructors.
archived   Social Psychology :: in English :: 27. 04. 2004 ::
:: Relationships between Men and Women and Sexual Violence ::
  Manuela Thomä
University of Kent at Canterbury, UK
  This survey investigates the opinions of men about relationships between men and woman and sexual violence in contemporary society. Participation takes about 10 to 15 minutes. Deadline for this survey is Friday May 14th 2004.
Male Participants only!
archived   Internet Science :: in Deutsch :: 06. 05. 2004 ::
:: Entscheidungsverhalten in Risikosituationen ::
  Rahel Clemenz
Universität Fribourg, Schweiz
  Standen Sie auch schon vor der Entscheidung, ob Sie ein Medikament mit speziellen Nebenwirkungen gegen eine schwere Krankheit wie z.B. Malaria einnehmen möchten, oder lieber das Risiko eingehen würden, diese Krankheit eventuell zu bekommen? In diesem Experiment wird untersucht, wie sich Menschen generell in solchen Risikosituationen entscheiden und welche Faktoren mit einfliessen. Es dauert in etwa 30 Minuten. Wenn in Ihnen nun Neugierde und Interesse geweckt wurden und Sie Lust und Zeit haben, können Sie am besten gleich loslegen!
archived   Applied Psychology :: in Deutsch :: 20. 07. 2012 ::
:: Umfrage und e-Modul zum Thema Teamentwicklung unter Berücksichtigung unterschiedlicher Lernpräferenzen. ::
  Debora Jeske
Jacobs University Bremen
  Das Ziel dieser Lerneinheit ist es, Ihnen mehr Information darüber zu geben, wie sich Teams entwickeln und funktionieren. Zusätzlich zu dem Lernmodul zum Thema Teamentwicklung beinhaltet das Modul auch einige Fragen darüber, wie Sie lernen. Auf Anfrage erhalten Sie Feedback zu Ihren Testantworten. Die Befragung und Durchsicht des Lernmoduls wird ungefähr 15 Minuten in Anspruch nehmen. Am Ende des Survey können alle Teilnehmer auch an einer Verlosung teilnehmen, um einen von mehreren Gutscheinen (10Euro) für Amazon zu gewinnen.
Lernen Sie etwas über Teamentwicklung und über sich selbst als Lernender! 10 Euro Amazon-Gutschein zu gewinnen!
archived   Applied Psychology :: in Deutsch :: 20. 07. 2012 ::
:: Umfrage und e-Modul zum Thema Schichtarbeit und Auswirkungen auf die Gesundheit mit Berücksichtigung unterschiedlicher Lernpräferenzen ::
  Debora Jeske
Jacobs University Bremen
  Das Ziel dieser Lerneinheit ist es, Ihnen mehr Information darüber zu geben, wie Schichtarbeit unsere Gesundheit, unser Verhalten und unsere "inneren" Uhren beeinflusst. Zusätzlich zu dem Lernmodul zum Thema Schichtarbeit beinhaltet das Modul auch einige Fragen darüber, wie Sie lernen. Auf Anfrage erhalten Sie Feedback zu Ihren Testantworten. Die Befragung und Durchsicht des Lernmoduls wird ungefähr 15 Minuten in Anspruch nehmen. Am Ende des Survey können alle Teilnehmer auch an einer Verlosung teilnehmen, um einen von mehreren Gutscheinen (10Euro) für Amazon zu gewinnen.
Lernen Sie hier etwas über die gesundheitlichen Auswirkungen von Schichtarbeit und über sich selbst als Lernender! 10 Euro Amazon-Gutschein zu gewinnen!
archived   Social Psychology :: in English :: 25. 04. 2005 ::
:: A Survey of Trust in America ::
  Howard Gardner
Harvard Graduate School of Education
  Hello and thank you for your interest in this study! This form describes a survey of trust in America today. We are interested in learning which well-known people and occupational groups you trust, as well as who you trust in your personal life and on important and complex issues. This survey is being carried out by Professor Howard Gardner at Harvard University and funded by the Center for Public Leadership at the John F. Kennedy School of Government. The study consists of 10 questions: 5 multiple choice and 5 short fill-ins, plus a set of multiple choice questions about yourself. It should take approximately 15 minutes to complete. In appreciation of your participation, each participant will be entered into a prize drawing with the chance to win a first prize of $200, a second prize of $150, or a third prize of $100. So that the study is accurate, we ask that you only participate once; multiple responses will not be counted. However, you can gain an extra entry for each person you recommend that completes the study- with a maximum of 5 additional entries. We appreciate your understanding. Please know that your participation in this study is completely voluntary and that you are free to withdraw at any time. Should you choose to participate, your answers will be used for research purposes only and your email address will not be sold to any third party. The survey will be accessible at through June, and the results will be available for viewing in the fall. Prize winners will be notified by email in June.
Takes 15 minutes to complete - you could win $200
archived   Internet Science :: in English :: 07. 07. 2010 ::
:: Internet Personality ::
  Stefan Stieger, Christoph Burger, Manuel Bohn
University of Vienna
  This short online study (5 minutes) is about your Internet personality. You are asked about privacy issues, personality and your Internet use with very brief scales.
archived   Social Psychology :: in English :: 14. 02. 2011 ::
:: Friendships and the Internet ::
  Tamsin Marriott and Tom Buchanan
University of Westminster
  Do you have internet friends? Nowadays people often have friends who they’ve met online, and communicate with online, but may never have met in person. This study aims to find out how well your online friends know you, compared with your offline friends. You’ll be asked to complete a short personality test, on which you’ll receive some instant feedback, and then invite both an online and an offline friend to answer some questions about you.
archived   Cognitve Psychology :: in English :: 14. 11. 2005 ::
:: Judgment Experiment ::
  Mirta Galesic and Walky Rivadeneira
University of Maryland
  Test your judgment and learn more about the way people think, perceive, and decide.
archived   Social Psychology :: in Deutsch :: 27. 10. 2005 ::
:: Dialekt und Hochdeutsch ::
  Hartmut Blank / Rene Ziegler
Universität Leipzig / Universität Tübingen
  Wir interessieren uns dafür, wie gut Menschen im deutschen Sprachraum Dialekt und/oder Hochdeutsch beherrschen bzw. im Alltag sprechen, und welche Zusammenhänge es hierbei mit einer Reihe anderer Faktoren gibt. Bitte nehmen Sie an dieser Studie nur dann teil, wenn Sie einen (deutschen) Dialekt sprechen oder zumindest beherrschen. Info über Ergebnisse der Studie nach Abschluss.
Nur für Leute, die einen (bundesdeutschen) Dialekt sprechen oder zumindest beherrschen. Dauer 5-10 min.
archived   Other :: in Deutsch :: 06. 12. 2012 ::
:: Ressourcen des täglichen Lebens ::
  Tobias Schott
Technische Universität Chemnitz, Institut für Psychologie Allgemeine und Biopsychologie, Chemnitzone ho
  Wir interessieren uns in unserer Studie für Ressourcen, die uns im täglichen Leben vor Stress schützen oder diesen im Gegenteil verstärken sowie ihren Einfluss auf unser Wohlbefinden. Was bekomme ich für meine Teilnahme? Wir verlosen unter den TeilnehmerInnen 1 x 50 €, 2 x 25 € und 10 x 10 €!
Wir verlosen unter den TeilnehmerInnen 1 x 50 €, 2 x 25 € und 10 x 10 €!
archived   Other :: in English :: 09. 10. 2007 ::
:: News Sharing Behavior with E-mail ::
  Young Ae Hahn
Illinois Institute of Technology
  Have you ever sent or received news articles with e-mails since 2006? If you have received more than 10 news articles e-mailed, please participate in this short (about 5 minutes to finish) survey.
archived   Other :: in English :: 07. 09. 2007 ::
:: Validation of the GEQ for Hispanics: A short online survey ::
  Lorraine Benuto
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  Would you like to help us validate an acculturation measure for Hispanics? If you are Hispanic/Latino(a) and between the ages of 18-29 you may participate in this research study. It will take you approximately 30 minutes to complete the questionnaires and by doing so you will help us obtain a better understanding about the measurement of acculturation. Please click on the link located below (or enter it into your browser) if you wish to participate.
It's Fun and Easy!
archived   Clinical Psychology :: in English :: 25. 02. 2008 ::
:: Mental Health Providers Opinions About a Hypothetical Client. ::
  Daisy Minter and Paula Johnson
California School of Professional Psychology at Alliant International University
  Are you interested in how mental health care providers evaluate clients? Would you like to take part in a graduate student research project that takes approximately 15 minutes to complete? If you are a mental health care provider or a student in graduate training for a mental health care profession you are needed to participate in an online survey.
archived   Cognitve Psychology :: in English :: 22. 07. 2008 ::
:: How much do you know? ::
  Joshua K. Hartshorne
Department of Psychology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States of Americaone hou
  A quick 1-2 minute experiment assessing people's general knowledge about the world. Participants will answer a few simple questions and be asked to do a simple task.
archived   Other :: in English :: 31. 03. 2008 ::
:: Identity Formation and Sexual Behavior in Gay Men ::
  Stuart Waterman
Sarah Lawrence College
  This survey was developed to explore possible correlations between processes of gay identity formation and the sexual behavior of adult gay males.
archived   Other :: in English :: 09. 04. 2008 ::
:: Social anxiety as a barrier to healthy eating and physical activity among overweight and obese individuals ::
  Natania Wright, Charles Swencionis, Judith Wylie-Rosett, Carmen Isasi
Yeshiva University
  A study looking at how anxiety is related to weight loss behaviors. You will be asked to answer questions about your mood, social anxiety, body image, eating, and exercise. It should take about 20 minutes to complete these questions. By being in this study, you will provide information about barriers to weight loss behaviors. This information can be used to create better weight loss programs. The information you provide will be used for research purposes only. At the end of the survey, you will have the chance to enter a raffle to win a 50 dollar gift. Your name and email address will be collected for the purpose of this raffle only. To protect your privacy, your name will not be linked to the survey responses. A list of helpful websites about weight loss and social anxiety will also be provided at the end of the survey.
only participate if you are overweight
archived   Cognitve Psychology :: in English :: 18. 06. 2008 ::
:: Important Memories Interview ::
  Bethany T. Heywood, Jesse M. Bering
Institute of Cognition and Culture, Queen's University Belfastanson
  The purpose of this study is to see what themes and topics are present in narratives about important memories, and how these topics and themes vary with different demographic characteristics such as age, sex, education, religion, culture, and location.
Participants from the UK only. Each participant gets a £5 voucher to Amazon
archived   Social Psychology :: in English :: 04. 01. 2008 ::
:: Panel Survey Language, Culture, & Social Cognition ::
  Hans IJzerman
Utrecht University
  This is an initial panel survey for future experiments. We will be hosting reaction time studies and situation descriptions on language and culture. Gift certificates will be rewarded once we start our online experiments
archived   Social Psychology :: in English :: 31. 01. 2008 ::
:: Differentiation in Young Adult Relationships ::
  Jennifer Howes
California School of Professional Psychology at Alliant International University, Los Angeles<
  This study examines the level of differentiation of young adults (18-22yrs). The theory of differentiation is related to the ability to regulate anxiety, maintain a solid sense of self, and direct one's own life while resisting familial pressure to conform. Identifying elements of differentiation that differ in adults and young adults will aid in the development of targeted therapeutic interventions and will help delineate the arc of differentiation development across the lifespan.
Takes 10-15min to complete
archived   Personality Psychology :: in English :: 03. 02. 2009 ::
:: Testing a New Genuineness Personality Questionnaire ::
  Hoda Samadi, Greg Boyle
Bond Universitye>
  The objectives of this survey research include the following: (1) to gain a better understanding of the factors that contribute to the level of accuracy towards ones view of the self, (2) to develop a new questionnaire that assesses genuineness, and (3) to examine how the character genuineness is related to a number of different psychological states.
archived   Clinical Psychology :: in English :: 30. 04. 2009 ::
:: Mens sexual experiences and attitudes ::
  Ethan McCallum and Zoe Peterson
University of Missouri-St. Louis
  Seeking heterosexual male volunteers for an anonymous online survey. Takes about 35 min. Participants will be entered into a raffle to win a $100 gift certificate.
archived   Other :: in English :: 20. 06. 2009 ::
:: Personality Traits ::
  Nicole Graham, Cailey Miller, Eva Kimonis
University of South Florida
  Studies various personality features in individuals. Enter to win $100 raffle
archived   Social Psychology :: in English :: 06. 06. 2005 ::
:: Perceptions of Creativity across Cultures ::
  Milosh Kankarash
Belgrade University
  Participant needs to be an undergraduate or postgraduate student. Takes about 15 minutes.
For students only!
archived   other :: in English :: 12. 06. 2004 ::
:: Anonymity and Identity Management through Email Usernames ::
  Kris M. Markman & Craig R. Scott
The University of Texas at Austin
  The purpose of this study is to gain an understanding into how people personalize their email addresses, manage multiple email addresses/accounts, and experience anonymity when using these addresses. All English speaking email users worldwide, age 18 and over, are invited to participate. This survey takes approximately 10 to 30 minutes to complete, depending on the number of email addresses you have (up to 3). All answers are kept confidential.
archived   other :: in English :: 24. 03. 2006 ::
:: Impact of Parental Divorce on the Well-Being of Young Men and Their Siblings ::
  Laura Young
University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada
  The purpose of this research project is to study the influence of past family experiences, including divorce, parenting, and conflict between parents, on male young adults' and their siblings present well-being. Participants will be asked about their perceptions of their own and their sibling's past family experiences, including divorce, parenting, and conflict between parents, and their present well-being, including positive feelings, relationships, symptoms of depression and anxiety, and ability to control behaviour and emotions.
Family Psychology
archived   Social Psychology :: in English :: 16. 05. 2012 ::
:: Same-Sex Romantic Relationship Closeness Survey ::
  Kasey Schultz-Saindon & Kathryn Rickard
Colorado State University
  We are looking for participants who are interested in answering questions about their current same-sex romantic relationship to provide information about factors affecting closeness in same-sex romantic relationships. You are eligible to participate in the study if you are at least 18 years-old and currently involved in a same-sex dating/romantic relationship. You will be asked to complete an online survey which will take no longer than 30 minutes. To show our appreciation for your participation, you will be given the opportunity to be entered into a raffle to win one of two $40 gift cards.
archived   Social Psychology :: in English :: 20. 06. 2012 ::
:: Gender Differences ::
  Louis Zorn
University of Colorado at Boulder
  You answered a number of questions largely focusing on the traditionalism of gender roles under emotional distress. We are interested in determining if being in a state of emotional distress induces beliefs about traditional gender roles.
takes less than 15 minutes to complete
archived   Cognitve Psychology :: in English :: 08. 03. 2016 ::
:: The Relationship between Childhood Events and Adult Problem Solving Skills ::
  Michael Dimambro
University of Worcester
  This study is concerned with the how an individual’s childhood affects their ability to problem solve as adults. Previous studies have found a link between an unstable childhood and a reduced performance in problem solving, however, a more recent study (Mittal et al., 2015) has found a link that suggests that an unstable childhood, although reducing performance on most aspects of problem solving skills can actually make the person improve on a specific type of problem solving– i.e cognitive shifting, which is the ability to switch between different mental tasks. This result was only found when these individuals were in unstable environments. Therefore, this study is exploring whether a link exists between an unstable childhood and various aspects of problem solving skills.
archived   Cognitve Psychology :: in English :: 06. 09. 2010 ::
:: Judging the Risk for Combined Hazards ::
  Ian Dawson, Johnnie Johnson, and Michelle Luke
University of Southampton
  This study involves the completion of a questionnaire. Participants will make judgments about hazards and provide some basic background information. Involvement will last approximately 10 minutes.
archived   Social Psychology :: in English :: 16. 08. 2010 ::
:: Self and Health Behaviours ::
  Tegan Cruwys, Michael Platow, Elizabeth Rieger & Don Byrne
Australian National University
  This project is investigating how people understand themselves, and how this relates to their health attitudes and the things they do.
archived   Social Psychology :: in English :: 12. 08. 2011 ::
:: Friendships: Online and Offline ::
  Jenny Chong
Curtin University
  This study aims to compare the quality of online and offline friendships. Participation will involve completing a short 10-15 minute online survey. To take part, you must be between the ages of 18 and 25 and have an online friend that is the same sex as you.
For participants aged 18-25 with an online friend
archived   Personality Psychology :: in English :: 18. 11. 2011 ::
:: Online Personality and Emotion Survey ::
  Sarah Burns, Sarah Egan, Lynne Roberts
Curtin University, Perth, Australia
  The purpose of the research is to investigate how certain personality traits are associated with a persons emotional processes. If you are of 18 years of age or older, please participate in this 20 minute survey.
archived   Social Psychology :: in English :: 16. 12. 2011 ::
:: Online Experiences ::
  Sharron Pears (The study is supervised by Alison Attrill, Senior lecturer in Psychology, DeMontfort University).
De Montfort University
  Social Psychology/ Internet Science
archived   Clinical Psychology :: in English :: 16. 01. 2012 ::
:: Quality of Humor in Relationships Survey ::
  Ronald D. Rogge, Silvia D. Marin
University of Rochester
  Participate in our study about how humor functions in romantic relationships, and receive Individual Feedback! If you are over 18 and in a romantic relationship, you can take our survey. At the end, you will receive feedback on 12 different dimensions of relationship and individual functioning.
archived   Social Psychology :: in English :: 21. 02. 2012 ::
:: Music & Facebook ::
  Amanda Krause
Heriot Watt University
  The purpose of this study is to examine the use of web-based music listening technology in the context of Facebook usage. You will be asked to complete a questionnaire, which should take no more than 15 minutes. This questionnaire includes questions about your age, gender, occupation, nationality, and whether you consider music and technology important in your life and to your identity. You'll also answer the degree to which a number of different statements represent yourself and about whether/ how you interact with music and people on Facebook. After completing the questionnaire, your participation in this study is complete.
archived   Social Psychology :: in English :: 08. 03. 2012 ::
:: Mall Haul Study ::
  Richard J. Harnish and Natalie Chalmers
Penn State University New Kensington
  Into fashion? Are you a fashion leader? Have you posted or watched mall haul videos? Then take part in this study that explores the personalities of individuals who post mall haul videos and those who follow or view them.
Mall Haul Study
archived   Clinical Psychology :: in English :: 25. 04. 2012 ::
:: Exploring the relationships between personality, mood, and sexual behaviour. ::
  Michael Walton
University of New England
  We are interested in understanding some of the factors that drive sexual behaviour. Specifically, this study is interested in determining whether personality traits and dysphoric mood states interact to predict sexual behaviour. This study also aims to evaluate whether sexual behaviour is associated with particular personality domains.
archived   Social Psychology :: in English :: 14. 02. 2011 ::
:: Romantic Relationship Closeness Survey ::
  Kasey Schultz
Colorado State University
  We are looking for participants who are interested in answering questions about their current romantic relationship to provide information about factors affecting closeness in romantic relationships. You are eligible to participate in the study if you are at least 18 years-old and currently involved in a dating/romantic relationship. You will be asked to complete an online survey which will take between 15 and 35 minutes. To show our appreciation for your participation, you will be given the opportunity to be entered into a raffle to win one of two $40 gift cards.
Must be 18 years old and involved in a romantic relationship. Chance to win one of 2 $40 Amazon gift cards. Especially need individuals in same-sex relationships.
archived   Clinical Psychology :: in English :: 24. 03. 2014 ::
:: Relationship Dynamics and Personal Traits ::
  Maria Rowley, Kristina Coop-Gordon
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
  The aim of this study is to examine personal traits and relationship dynamics of people in different types of relationships. To be eligible, you must speak English, be 18 or older, and have been in a relationship for at least 3 months. All genders and sexual orientations are encouraged to participate. This study involves filling out questionnaires online, which should take no longer than 15 to 40 minutes.
archived   Applied Psychology :: in English :: 21. 12. 2014 ::
:: Perceptions of effective leadership ::
  Claudia Buengeler, Astrid Homan, Sven Voelpel
University of Amsterdam
  This online study is about perceptions of effective leadership. After a short scenario, respondents indicate what leader behaviors they find effective in the described situation. The survey is anonymous and takes approximately 5-10 minutes to complete. The study is available in English, German, and Dutch. To thank you for participation, there will be a prize draw (50 Euro gift certificate).
archived   Social Psychology :: in English :: 19. 06. 2012 ::
:: Personality Characteristics and Stigma towards Mental Illness ::
  Amanda Kenny, Boris Bizumic
Australian National University
  Is there a link between personality and stigmatising attitudes towards mental illness? This study involves completing a survey questionnaire which asks about personality styles, social attitudes, and beliefs about people who have a mental illness. It will take around 25 minutes and will contribute to a larger research project aimed at understanding public perceptions of people who have a mental illness.
archived   Clinical Psychology :: in English :: 02. 11. 2012 ::
:: Views of Satisfaction with Self ::
  Jaimee DiMarco
Gallaudet University
  Survey study by a pre-doctoral student in Clinical Psychology. This is research on satisfaction, it is hoped that this study can be used to help provide more information about views on satisfaction with self. This information will help further understand and assist women.
archived   Clinical Psychology :: in English :: 02. 09. 2013 ::
:: Impact of thought speed and content on perception. ::
  Ben Rosser
University of Exeter
  The purpose of this study is to examine how the way people think influences the way they view and experience the world. The study aim is to explore how the speed and content of our thoughts may impact on how we interpret information and how we feel. It may be that specific psychological difficulties, like anxiety and mania, relate to these thought processes which are associated with tendencies to view the world in a particular, perhaps unhelpful, way. By understanding the impact of these processes we may better understand how to intervene to help people experiencing certain psychological difficulties.
archived   Social Psychology :: in English :: 10. 11. 2006 ::
:: Men, Women, & Sex ::
  Kristine Chapleau
Marquette University
  This study is examining attitudes toward men, women, and sex. To participate, you must be at least 18 years old. It will take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete this survey. All responses are anonymous.
archived   Social Psychology :: in English :: 22. 12. 2006 ::
:: Aspirations and Emotions ::
  Elena Stephan
University of Southampton
  In this study we explore the relationships among emotions, motivation, and behavior. Participants will be presented with four short series of questions that asses the themes of interest. The survey requires 5 to 10 minutes for its completion.
archived   Social Psychology :: in English :: 05. 03. 2007 ::
:: Blogging Practices, Motives for Blogging and Identity Exploration ::
  Danielle Williamson; Ann Knowles
Swinburne University of Technology
  This study investigates blogging practices, motives for blogging and the ways in which people explore their identity through blogging. Participants must be over 18 years old and maintain a blog that is updated at least monthly.
archived   Clinical Psychology :: in English :: 15. 06. 2007 ::
:: Lay Theories of Health and General Wellness Issues ::
  Christina Downey, Edward C. Chang
University of Michigan at Ann Arbor
  This is the last in a series of studies examining how everyday people think about what comprises health. Participants will share their own impressions about health, and will make judgments of other people's health. The study takes from 15-20 minutes to complete. We are hoping to create a new measure of general health and wellness through this research, which will help to broaden the dialogue between patients and their health providers to include multiple facets of the health experience.
archived   Perception :: in English :: 07. 07. 2009 ::
:: How do you feel about your appearance? ::
  Tim Moss & Ben Rosser
The University of the West of Englandonline payday l
  The research consists of a brief set of questionnaires investigating how important your appearance is to you and how you feel about the way you look.
archived   Social Psychology :: in English :: 26. 05. 2009 ::
:: How do we influence the feelings of those close to us? ::
  Karen Niven and David Holman
University of Sheffield
  This study seeks to examine the ways in which people deliberately try to influence the emotions of their partners, friends and co-workers.
archived   Social Psychology :: in English :: 08. 03. 2009 ::
:: Perceptions and College Drinking Behavior ::
  Hannah Franz, Shannon Rauch
Eastern Illinois University
  This study looks at the relationship between perceptions of different situations in life and college drinking behavior.
archived   Personality Psychology :: in English :: 14. 07. 2009 ::
:: Personality and purchasing decisions ::
  Ryan T. Howell
San Francisco State U.
  The present research study is aimed at understanding what factors (e.g., personality, emotions, and attitudes) may influence our preferences for certain consumer goods/services.
archived   Clinical Psychology :: in English :: 13. 08. 2009 ::
:: Anxiety and Emotional Experiences ::
  C. Alix Timko and Amy Neal
Towson University
  The purpose of the study is to learn how anxiety levels effect the way an individual handles emotional experiences. You must be at least 18 years of age to participate in this study. It will take you approximately 20-30 minutes to complete the survey. The questions in this survey are designed to assess your level of comfort in social situations, how you react to emotional situations, and your level of anger.
archived   Social Psychology :: in English :: 05. 09. 2009 ::
:: Social support and wellbeing amongst people with HIV ::
  Vicki Hutton, Francesca Collins, RoseAnne Misajon
Monash University, Australia
  Your wellbeing is more than your viral load and CD4 count. We want to know how social support (includng pets) and stigma affect your wellbeing when you're living with HIV. We're looking for people aged 18 years and over, who have been diagnosed with HIV and are willing to spend approximately 30 minutes completing an anonymous questionnaire.
For people aged 18 years and over, who have been diagnosed with HIV
archived   Internet Science :: in English :: 26. 11. 2007 ::
:: "The usage of facilities for lectures" ::
  Denny Reibig
University of Leipzig; Institut of Sociology
  Part of a diploma-project. An online-survey about the usage of presentation-tools. Duration: 5-10 minutes.
archived   Cognitve Psychology :: in English :: 01. 01. 2008 ::
:: Psychology of minor experiences ::
  J. Stephan Jellinek