1404 Web studies found!
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Internet Science ::
in English
31. 05. 2009 :: |
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Which presentation style is better?
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Ralph Lengler, Andrew vande Moere
University of Sydney |
This pilot study is investigating how to create meaning with visual means. For this purpose you will be shown 2 presentations, one presented using Slideware (e.g. Powerpoint) and then 'Prezi', a new presentation technology which takes up the ideas of the 'zoomable user interface' and the 'infinite canvas'. If you don't understand those two terms, no worries, you will, when you have completed the study!
It will take about 30 minutes to complete the experiment. The study is fun & it will probably improve your presentation skills as well!
Flash & Javascript need to be enabled |
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Applied Psychology ::
in English
23. 01. 2007 :: |
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Do you trust in these companys?
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Franziska Luthiger & Ulf-Dietrich Reips
University of Zurich |
Do you know these companys? Do you trust them?
Participation will only take about 5-10 minutes.
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Applied Psychology ::
in English
22. 01. 2016 :: |
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Important decisions
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Baiba Renerte, Ulf-Dietrich Reips
University of Konstanz |
The study consists of five parts and will take about 10 minutes. You will be asked to provide your thoughts and opinions and make financial decisions. One of your financial decisions will be played out and also paid to you together with the lottery prize.
The lottery will be played out after the end of this study (in the spring of 2016). All information provided by you will be treated as confidential and will only be used for scientific purposes.
Win 1 of 3 prizes of EUR 120 in a lottery! Participate in a Web-based study for academic purposes |
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Social Psychology ::
in English
03. 01. 2003 :: |
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How do we perceive social interactions?
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Marianne Schmid Mast & Ulf-Dietrich Reips
University of Zurich |
Schematic drawings featuring two people interacting will be presented to you. For each drawing, you will be asked to pick from 4 answer alternatives the one you think best describes the drawing. You will be presented 10 such drawings. You will also be asked to give your opinion about a few statements. The study only takes about 10 minutes to complete.
At the end of the study you will be given the opportunity to qualify for winning one of three prizes in a lottery (50$, 30$, or 20$).
Quick and fun! |
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Social Psychology ::
in English
29. 06. 2004 :: |
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Do You Recognize the Company?
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Dominik Orth & Ulf-Dietrich Reips
University of Zurich, Department of Social and Business Psychologya |
Indicate whether you know stock companies and how much you trust them. Everybody can participate (knowledge about stocks is not required).
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Cognitve Psychology ::
in English
27. 04. 2009 :: |
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Which medication would you support? Win up to $100!
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Denise Frauendorfer, Ulf-Dietrich Reips
University of Zurich |
In favour of my master's thesis in the Department of Psychology at the University of Zurich, Switzerland, I created a Web experiment which focuses on health care policy.
I would be very grateful, if you could please participate. It takes 10 min or less.
With your complete participation you will be included in a raffle of three prizes to win: $100, $50 or $30 (or the equivalent in local currency). The prize level will depend on the draw ranking and is not influenced by your performance.
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Personality Psychology ::
in English
28. 10. 2006 :: |
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Ulf-Dietrich Reips
University of Zurich |
The purpose of this study is to learn more about the relationship between personality traits and attitudes toward sexual relationships. This study involves completing an anonymous survey about your personality traits and your attitudes toward sexual relationships. Completing the survey should take around 30 to 40 minutes. You will be given a login and password, so you may interrupt answering the survey at any time and come back later to finish the survey.
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Personality Psychology ::
in English
29. 10. 2010 :: |
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Help Science, Describe Your Personality
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iScience group
Universidad de Deusto |
Help scientists in the development of a new personality test!
very cool |
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Cognitve Psychology ::
in English
17. 12. 2003 :: |
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About learning
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Ulf-Dietrich Reips* & Michael Waldmann**
*University of Zürich, **University of Göttingenonli |
Learn about ficticious blood substances and diseases in animals. Duration: 20-30 minutes.
Cool! |
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Cognitve Psychology ::
in English
15. 08. 2005 :: |
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Rank probability terms
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Ulf-Dietrich Reips
University of Zürich |
Drag and drop probability terms to reflect the order that seems most appropriate to you.
Takes 5 minutes only! |
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Social Psychology ::
in English
24. 03. 2003 :: |
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Personal orientations in the social context
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Igou, Berenzweig & See
University of Mannheim |
JavaScript is required. |
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Personality Psychology ::
in English
02. 10. 2007 :: |
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Scientific Personality Test
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Ulf-Dietrich Reips
University of Zürich |
Learn more about yourself when taking this test. You will receive feedback on all five basic personality dimensions.
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Neuropsychology ::
in English
15. 07. 2014 :: |
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Number Comparison
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Mojtaba Soltanlou, Stefan Huber, Ulf-Dietrich Reips, Hans-Christoph Nuerk
Diagnostics and Cognitive Neuropsychology, Universities of Tübingen and Konstanz |
In this experiment stimuli consist of 2 two-digit Arabic numbers, which appear diagonally on the center of a white browser window. The pairs vary only in their numerical values but have constant physical black Arial font. The task will start with an instruction, which asks participants to indicate which number is larger, by pressing the up arrow-key with the middle finger and the down arrow-key with the index finger of the dominant hand. The experiment is preceded by a training session, which allows subjects to complete 12 trials to familiarize themselves with the comparison required and the timing of the task. The experiment consists of 360 trials in 2 parts with a self-paced break. Participants are asked to respond as quickly as possible but to take care to avoid errors. Each trial is ended with the participant’s response. The whole experiment will take about 20 minutes, but may be shorter or longer based on reaction times.
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Internet Science ::
in English
14. 04. 2008 :: |
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Ulf-Dietrich Reips
University of Zürich |
A 2 minute study. Watch numbers, then give an estimate in a task.
really quick: 2 minutes only! |
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Social Psychology ::
in English
09. 05. 2006 :: |
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Prediction of Divorce for Just Married Couples
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Mike Mangan & Ulf-Dietrich Reips
University of New Hampshire; University of Zurichonl |
Factors in the prediction of divorce in just-married couples will be examined.
Takes 2-3 minutes only |
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Cognitve Psychology ::
in English
04. 06. 2012 :: |
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Which medication would you choose?
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Denise Frauendorfer (1), Ulf-Dietrich Reips (2)
(1) Universitiy of Neuchatel, Switzerland, (2) Universidad de Deusto, Spain |
In this study you will be in a certain position and you will have to decide which medication should be released on the market.
The experiment can also be conducted in German / Man kann auch auf Deutsch teilnehmen |
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Cognitve Psychology ::
in English
24. 05. 2011 :: |
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Guestimation 2
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Christopher R. Wolfe
Miami University |
Read brief problem descriptions and estimate the probability of some events. Some people will be asked whether some statements are logical. This takes most people less than 20 minutes.
Takes most people less than 20 minutes total. |
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Developmental Psychology ::
in English
16. 10. 1999 :: |
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Experience the world of magic!
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Ulf-Dietrich Reips
University of Zurich |
One of my most enjoyable Web experiments. Participation takes only two minutes (unless you want it to take longer), and it truly shows the mysterious powers of the Internet. Have fun!
So surprising! |
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Methodology ::
in English
28. 02. 2006 :: |
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Psychological survey of your personal orientation
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F. Funke & U.-D. Reips
University of Zurich, Switzerland |
If you have a few minutes, please take part in this survey and rate some items about general openness and personality. Feel free to email if you have further questions.
Hot pick! |
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Cognitve Psychology ::
in English
21. 05. 2011 :: |
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Christopher R. Wolfe
Miami University |
Read brief descriptions and estimate the probability of some events. There are 25 questions and it should take most people less than 10 minutes. The purpose of this study is to understand how people make probability estimates.
Estimates range between 0 and 100 percent. |
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Social Psychology ::
in English
14. 02. 2003 :: |
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Estimates and Attitudes
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Eric Igou, Michael Schober, Michael See & Patrick Ehlen
New School University (New York) |
Takes about 7 minutes to complete.
Internet Explorer 5 or higher required! |
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Social Psychology ::
in English
01. 04. 2003 :: |
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Mobile phone questionnaire
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Donna Reid
University of Plymouth |
Donna Reid, a postgraduate in the Department of Psychology, University of Plymouth is carrying out research into when and why people use their mobile phones to communicate with each other.
We would be very pleased to hear of your own experiences and views on using mobile phones, and have prepared a questionnaire that you may be interested to complete.
Even if you do not have a mobile, you may have views on their use, and we would like to hear these too.
You do not need to own a mobile to participate! |
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Social Psychology ::
in English
29. 10. 2006 :: |
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Sex and crime
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Ulf-Dietrich Reips*, Mike Mangan**
*Universität Zürich, Switzerland **University of New Hampshire, USA |
A very brief study that may help in better understanding the link between certain sexual and some potentially criminal behaviors.
takes 2-3 minutes only |
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Social Psychology ::
in English
14. 07. 2004 :: |
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Test your general knowledge
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Nicole Béky and Nathalie Bolliger
Psychologisches Institut, Universität Zürich |
It's a cool an interesting experiment which you surely will enjoy! It only takes you about ten minutes to answer the 20 questions where you have to give a guess. Some questions will provide you the answer and we bet that you'll be surprised about the answers given! It's not about how good you are and how much you know- it's like a quiz game that's exciting and in the end you're anyway a winner! Just try it and surprise your friends with our questions! Enjoy it!
Test yourself! |
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Internet Science ::
in English
03. 06. 2003 :: |
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Instant Messaging - Interviews
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Stefan Stieger
University of Vienna |
Answer questions about participating in interviews which are conducted via Instant Messaging programs ('bots').
Duration: ca. 10 minutes.
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Cognitve Psychology ::
in English
17. 01. 2003 :: |
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Learn about diseases
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Julia Wacker & Ulf-Dietrich Reips
Universities of Zürich and Tübingen |
Help science by taking part. Duration: about 30 minutes.
By taking part you will help with a Master's thesis! |
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Neuropsychology ::
in English
18. 11. 2014 :: |
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Parity Judgment
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Mojtaba Soltanlou, Stefan Huber, Ulf-Dietrich Reips, Hans-Christoph Nuerk
Diagnostics and Cognitive Neuropsychology, University of Tübingen; Psychological Methods, Assessment & iScience, University of Konstanz |
In this experiment stimuli consist of eight unit-digit numbers (1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9). The numbers appear at the center of browser window and participants should indicate whether the presented number is odd (1,3,7,9) or even (2,4,6,8), by pressing left or right arrow key with the left or right index finger. After response, the next number appears automatically. The whole experiment contains two blocks, resulting in 160 trials in total. Each block begins with detailed instruction and short practice. Participants are asked to respond as quickly as possible but to be careful to avoid errors. The experiment will take approximately 15 minutes.
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Social Psychology ::
in English
12. 07. 2005 :: |
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Perception of Health Risk Information
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Dan Mason
University of Cambridge |
Short interactive experiment looking at different ways of presenting health risk information.
Pilot study. Takes 10 minutes |
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Cognitve Psychology ::
in English
26. 08. 2003 :: |
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The cup
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Ulf-Dietrich Reips
University of Zurich |
Simply answer one choice question.
This study takes 2 minutes only! |
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Cognitve Psychology ::
in English
24. 05. 2004 :: |
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The Island of Knights and Knaves
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Shira Elqayam, Simon Handley, Jonathan Evans
University of Plymouth, UK |
Reasoning puzzles about probabilty of truth
20-40 minutes |
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Cognitve Psychology ::
in English
02. 07. 2004 :: |
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What's the cause?
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York Hagmayer
Universität Göttingen |
Get into nuclear physics and find out how different molecules influence each other.
Duration: 15 minutes
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Social Psychology ::
in English
19. 02. 2008 :: |
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Sport and nutrition
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Denise Frauendorfer, Ulf-Dietrich Reips
University of Zurich |
Some questions about sport and nutrition.
Sport and nutrition |
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Clinical Psychology ::
in English
05. 06. 2003 :: |
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Personality and Symptomatology on the Web
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Jonathan Oakman, Lena Quilty, Evan Risko
University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canadaonl |
Comparison of various surveys on personality and symptomatology across Web and paper and pencil administration. We have three conditions in our experiment: Web (unrestricted), Web (restricted: random student sample), and paper and pencil (restricted: random student sample). To date our research has suggested no differences between modes of adminstration when a randomly selected student sample is used. We hope to extend these results to a unrestricted Web sample in order to draw comparisons with previous research.
Takes about 25 minutes to complete. |
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other ::
in English
10. 06. 2004 :: |
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College Faculty Internet Use Survey
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steve jones
university of illinois at chicago |
This research project will explore various aspects of Internet use by college instructors.
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Cognitve Psychology ::
in English
20. 06. 2003 :: |
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Discovering Rules
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Martina Johnson, Mike Jewell, Stevan Harnad
University of Southampton, UK |
You will be presented with a series of nonsense strings of 8 syllables, which are either ruleful or unruleful. Your task is to learn to recognise whether the strings are ruleful or not.
Takes 20-30 minutes to complete |
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Social Psychology ::
in English
18. 11. 2003 :: |
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Personality variables and interpersonal attitudes
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John Schloendorn
University of Tuebingen |
Originative experiment on certain personality variables and interpersonal assessments. You might learn a few rather amazing facts about yourself, others and the world. No special requirements.
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Social Psychology ::
in English
27. 04. 2004 :: |
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Relationships between Men and Women and Sexual Violence
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Manuela Thomä
University of Kent at Canterbury, UK |
This survey investigates the opinions of men about relationships between men and woman and sexual violence in contemporary society. Participation takes about 10 to 15 minutes. Deadline for this survey is Friday May 14th 2004.
Male Participants only! |
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Social Psychology ::
in English
25. 04. 2005 :: |
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A Survey of Trust in America
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Howard Gardner
Harvard Graduate School of Education |
Hello and thank you for your interest in this study! This form describes a survey of trust in America today. We are interested in learning which well-known people and occupational groups you trust, as well as who you trust in your personal life and on important and complex issues. This survey is being carried out by Professor Howard Gardner at Harvard University and funded by the Center for Public Leadership at the John F. Kennedy School of Government.
The study consists of 10 questions: 5 multiple choice and 5 short fill-ins, plus a set of multiple choice questions about yourself. It should take approximately 15 minutes to complete. In appreciation of your participation, each participant will be entered into a prize drawing with the chance to win a first prize of $200, a second prize of $150, or a third prize of $100. So that the study is accurate, we ask that you only participate once; multiple responses will not be counted. However, you can gain an extra entry for each person you recommend that completes the study- with a maximum of 5 additional entries. We appreciate your understanding.
Please know that your participation in this study is completely voluntary and that you are free to withdraw at any time. Should you choose to participate, your answers will be used for research purposes only and your email address will not be sold to any third party. The survey will be accessible at www.whodoyoutrust.org through June, and the results will be available for viewing in the fall. Prize winners will be notified by email in June.
Takes 15 minutes to complete - you could win $200 |
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Social Psychology ::
in English
10. 02. 2005 :: |
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Study of images and perception
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Michael A. Cohn
University of Michigan |
You will view a variety of images and comment on them, and on other things you're thinking about.
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Internet Science ::
in English
07. 07. 2010 :: |
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Internet Personality
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Stefan Stieger, Christoph Burger, Manuel Bohn
University of Vienna |
This short online study (5 minutes) is about your Internet personality. You are asked about privacy issues, personality and your Internet use with very brief scales.
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Social Psychology ::
in English
23. 01. 2003 :: |
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Perception of Health Risk
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Dan Mason
University of Cambridge |
Examines people's perceptions of their risks of developing certain health problems such as heart disease.
Takes 5 to 10 minutes to complete. |
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Cognitve Psychology ::
in English
07. 05. 2003 :: |
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Daily News Memory Test
Galton-Crovitz test
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Steve Janssen
Department of Psychology, University of Amsterdamonl |
The Daily News Memory Test measures the memory for public news events of the last year, while the Galton-Crovitz test measures the distribution of autobiographical memory.
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Cognitve Psychology ::
in English
13. 12. 2014 :: |
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A different take on the half-full/half-empty cup
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Jean Patrick Philippe Scheib
Universität Konstanz |
The short experiment takes a different look at the glas half-full/half-empty question.
The questionnaire will take 5 minutes at the most (average completion time: less than 2 minutes).
Your data will be treated anonymously and will only be used for scientific purposes.
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Cognitve Psychology ::
in English
21. 07. 2005 :: |
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Decision making survey!
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Steven Sloman and Evan Freedman
Brown University |
This experiment is a 3 question survey that takes no time at all and is looking at how people make decisions!
The first fourty participants have a chance to win a small prize of $40 |
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Social Psychology ::
in English
14. 02. 2011 :: |
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Friendships and the Internet
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Tamsin Marriott and Tom Buchanan
University of Westminster |
Do you have internet friends? Nowadays people often have friends who they’ve met online, and communicate with online, but may never have met in person. This study aims to find out how well your online friends know you, compared with your offline friends. You’ll be asked to complete a short personality test, on which you’ll receive some instant feedback, and then invite both an online and an offline friend to answer some questions about you.
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Perception ::
in English
08. 02. 2005 :: |
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Working at computer monitors
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Ivan Sterzinger & Sissel Guttormsen-Schär
IHA, Institut für Hygiene und Arbeitsphysiologie, ETH Zürichansonli |
Since working at a computer monitor has become part of almost everybody's work life, improving the ergonomic work factors must have high priority. The experiment will test your ability to recognise and to assign shapes in a playful manner: Test yourself working as a caretaker and find out, how many keys you can distinguish by colour. Test your memory and your visual perception.
The experiment will take about 10-15 minutes.
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Cognitve Psychology ::
in English
14. 11. 2005 :: |
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Judgment Experiment
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Mirta Galesic and Walky Rivadeneira
University of Maryland |
Test your judgment and learn more about the way people think, perceive, and decide.
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Social Psychology ::
in English
12. 11. 2004 :: |
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Perception of Health Risks III
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Dan Mason
University of Cambridge |
This experiment looks at how people respond to certain hypothetical risks to their health.
5 mins |
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Perception ::
in English
15. 06. 2003 :: |
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What do you like?
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Ola Thorn
Lund Universitye> |
In this experiment we are interested in which one of two pictures you prefer. Allow your intitial, spontaneous, reaction to determine your preferences. Answer by clicking on the button underneath each picture. Thanks & Good Luck!
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Social Psychology ::
in English
09. 06. 2005 :: |
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soccer experiment
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Bettina Keller, Tenzin K. Nelung, Yeshi Ngingthatshong
University of Zürich, Social and Business Psychology |
Student experiment in U.-D. Reips' prep class. It takes you 30 seconds.
Student experiment in U.-D. Reips' prep class. 30 seconds only. |
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Social Psychology ::
in English
16. 06. 2008 :: |
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Jeannette Oostlander, Ulf-Dietrich Reips
University of Zurich |
This Web experiment is about information processing in everyday life. The experiment will take about 5 minutes.
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Other ::
in English
09. 10. 2007 :: |
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News Sharing Behavior with E-mail
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Young Ae Hahn
Illinois Institute of Technology |
Have you ever sent or received news articles with e-mails since 2006? If you have received more than 10 news articles e-mailed, please participate in this short (about 5 minutes to finish) survey.
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Cognitve Psychology ::
in English
25. 06. 2007 :: |
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Learning Game #1
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Corinne Townsend
University of California, Merced |
This experiment looks at whether or not we can study material to a desired level.
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Other ::
in English
27. 11. 2006 :: |
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Web-Experiment: Cups
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Melanie Moosbrugger
IPKW, Universität Wien |
Testing Web-Experimenting (answering only 4 questions!!!)
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Social Psychology ::
in English
20. 03. 2012 :: |
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Perceptions of Friends with Benefits Relationships
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Erika Koch and Angela Weaver
St. Francis Xavier University |
Participants will respond to questions assessing their opinions of Friends with Benefits Relationships.
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Social Psychology ::
in English
20. 06. 2012 :: |
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Gender Differences
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Louis Zorn
University of Colorado at Boulder |
You answered a number of questions largely focusing on the traditionalism of gender roles under emotional distress. We are interested in determining if being in a state of emotional distress induces beliefs about traditional gender roles.
takes less than 15 minutes to complete |
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Cognitve Psychology ::
in English
04. 03. 2016 :: |
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Contemplative practice vs gaming in mature adults: Attention, Transpersonal and Dream Comparisons
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Cynthia Ma and Jayne Gakenbach
MacEwan University |
Adult gamers and contemplative groups are compared in terms of performance on attentional tasks and answers on various transpersonal oriented self-reports; two measures of dreams, one of presence and two of mindfulness. This is an online replication and extension of Gackenbach and Guthrie (2016).
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Cognitve Psychology ::
in English
08. 03. 2016 :: |
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The Relationship between Childhood Events and Adult Problem Solving Skills
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Michael Dimambro
University of Worcester |
This study is concerned with the how an individual’s childhood affects their ability to problem solve as adults. Previous studies have found a link between an unstable childhood and a reduced performance in problem solving, however, a more recent study (Mittal et al., 2015) has found a link that suggests that an unstable childhood, although reducing performance on most aspects of problem solving skills can actually make the person improve on a specific type of problem solving– i.e cognitive shifting, which is the ability to switch between different mental tasks. This result was only found when these individuals were in unstable environments. Therefore, this study is exploring whether a link exists between an unstable childhood and various aspects of problem solving skills.
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Social Psychology ::
in English
21. 02. 2012 :: |
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Music & Facebook
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Amanda Krause
Heriot Watt University |
The purpose of this study is to examine the use of web-based music listening technology in the context of Facebook usage.
You will be asked to complete a questionnaire, which should take no more than 15 minutes. This questionnaire includes questions about your age, gender, occupation, nationality, and whether you consider music and technology important in your life and to your identity. You'll also answer the degree to which a number of different statements represent yourself and about whether/ how you interact with music and people on Facebook. After completing the questionnaire, your participation in this study is complete.
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Social Psychology ::
in English
22. 11. 2006 :: |
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Stories and attitudes
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Thomas Pollet
Division of Psychology, Newcastle University, UKonli |
For this short study we want you to write something and then read 2 short stories about which we will ask you some questions. This study only takes 5-10 mins and should be fun to do.
Only 5 to 10 minutes! |
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Cognitve Psychology ::
in English
08. 11. 2006 :: |
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Autobiographical Retreival around times of Identity Formation
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University of Leeds
UKe> |