1404 Web studies found!
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Social Psychology ::
in English
16. 08. 2010 :: |
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Self and Health Behaviours
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Tegan Cruwys, Michael Platow, Elizabeth Rieger & Don Byrne
Australian National University |
This project is investigating how people understand themselves, and how this relates to their health attitudes and the things they do.
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Personality Psychology ::
in English
28. 07. 2009 :: |
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Universal Worth
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Steven V. Rouse
Pepperdine University |
I am developing a new questionnaire called the Universal Worth Scale, a personality characteristic related to self-esteem and spirituality. To do this, I need to find out how a person's scores on my test relates to scores on similar tests.
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Perception ::
in English
07. 07. 2009 :: |
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How do you feel about your appearance?
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Tim Moss & Ben Rosser
The University of the West of Englandonline payday l |
The research consists of a brief set of questionnaires investigating how important your appearance is to you and how you feel about the way you look.
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Social Psychology ::
in English
07. 07. 2009 :: |
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Validation of the CES
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Dara G Friedman-Wheeler
Goucher Collegee> |
This study is designed to validate a new coping measure. Participants will complete several questionnaires on coping, mood, and personality. The study works best in Internet Explorer and takes about 20 minutes to complete. At the end, you will have the opportunity to enter a drawing for a $25 gift certificate to Amazon.com.
Participants will have the opportunity to enter a drawing for a gift certificate to Amazon.com (worth $25). |
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Personality Psychology ::
in English
14. 07. 2009 :: |
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Personality and purchasing decisions
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Ryan T. Howell
San Francisco State U. |
The present research study is aimed at understanding what factors (e.g., personality, emotions, and attitudes) may influence our preferences for certain consumer goods/services.
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Clinical Psychology ::
in English
13. 08. 2009 :: |
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Anxiety and Emotional Experiences
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C. Alix Timko and Amy Neal
Towson University |
The purpose of the study is to learn how anxiety levels effect the way an individual handles emotional experiences. You must be at least 18 years of age to participate in this study. It will take you approximately 20-30 minutes to complete the survey. The questions in this survey are designed to assess your level of comfort in social situations, how you react to emotional situations, and your level of anger.
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Social Psychology ::
in English
19. 08. 2009 :: |
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Understanding Self-esteem
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Ista Zahn
University of Rochester |
The purpose of this study is to develop a better understanding of self-esteem.
This study involves completing a survey, reading simple statements, and performing a reaction time task. This is an experimental study, meaning you will be randomly assigned to a condition. The reading task is designed to elicit a particular mood. There is a possibility that you will be asked to read statements designed to put you in a negative mood. Do not participate in this study if you are uncomfortable with the idea of reading statements that may have this effect. This study takes about 15 minutes to complete.
At the end of this study, you will be able to see your self-esteem scores, including a self-esteem measure designed to tap into your subconscious attitude toward yourself. You will be able to compare your self-esteem scores to those of other people who participate in this study.
This study requires Java and does not work well with the Opera web browser. |
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Social Psychology ::
in English
05. 09. 2009 :: |
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Social support and wellbeing amongst people with HIV
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Vicki Hutton, Francesca Collins, RoseAnne Misajon
Monash University, Australia |
Your wellbeing is more than your viral load and CD4 count. We want to know how social support (includng pets) and stigma affect your wellbeing when you're living with HIV. We're looking for people aged 18 years and over, who have been diagnosed with HIV and are willing to spend approximately 30 minutes completing an anonymous questionnaire.
For people aged 18 years and over, who have been diagnosed with HIV |
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Social Psychology ::
in English
30. 09. 2009 :: |
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Parental Disclosure of a Homosexual Identity
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Frank Muscarella, Julia Puckett
Barry University |
Any individual is welcome to participate. You will be asked to complete a few surveys measuring your personal attitudes and beliefs. This is an anonymous study that takes approximately 15-20 minutes to complete.
Open to anyone at least 18 years old. |
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Perception ::
in English
17. 10. 2009 :: |
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Animated Icons Human Factors Evaluation
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Kenneth Treharne and David Powers
Flinders University |
The sdGraph experiment is investigating efficient data visualisation techniques for search engine result visualisation. This research will contribute to the design of effective and efficient data visualisations that allow fast and accurate extraction of information.
The experiments running from this website require the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and Javascript to run properly. |
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Personality Psychology ::
in English
20. 11. 2009 :: |
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Time Perspective and Type 1 Diabetes
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Barbara Johnson, James Walsh, Kenneth Gannon
University of East London |
5 minute survey asking people with Type 1 diabetes about their views about diabetes and their general approach to life
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Cognitve Psychology ::
in English
31. 03. 2009 :: |
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Present and Past Personalities
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Clare Rathbone and Chris Moulin
University of Leeds |
We are interested in the way people define their current personality, and their personality in the past. We hope to contrast these measures with characteristics of personality of others (e.g. a close friend). The study is a short 10 minute task, that will ask you to answer some yes/no questions about your current personality, your personality in the past, and your best friends personality.
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Cognitve Psychology ::
in English
30. 09. 2008 :: |
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Presidential election in the US in 2008
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Hartmut Blank, Steffen Nestler
University of Portsmouth, University of Leipzigonlin |
In our internet experiment, we would like to ask several questions about the candidates and about general perceptions of the election. In particular, we are interested in participants thoughts about factors affecting the candidates chances of winning the elections, their attitudes toward the candidates, and their predictions of various aspects of the election outcome.
German version (Deutsche Version): http://www.uni-leipzig.de/~diffdiag/projekte/germany/Beginn.html |
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Cognitve Psychology ::
in English
18. 06. 2008 :: |
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Important Memories Interview
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Bethany T. Heywood, Jesse M. Bering
Institute of Cognition and Culture, Queen's University Belfastanson |
The purpose of this study is to see what themes and topics are present in narratives about important memories, and how these topics and themes vary with different demographic characteristics such as age, sex, education, religion, culture, and location.
Participants from the UK only. Each participant gets a £5 voucher to Amazon |
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Other ::
in English
23. 06. 2008 :: |
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Perception of concussion in sport
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Mareen Weber & Martin Edwards
University of Birmingham, United Kingdomonline payda |
We are interested in the perception of sports-related concussion. You will be asked questions about your recent sport injuries, including concussion, and how you feel right now. Also, the survey contains a list of statements on sports-related concussion that you will be asked to rate as true, probably true, probably false or false.
Takes on average 20 minutes. |
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Other ::
in English
14. 07. 2008 :: |
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General Attitudes and Current Affairs
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Stephanie Secker
Exeter University |
In this study we are interested in whether people's attitudes towards different current issues are influenced by whether or not those issues are highly salient in the media at the present time.
We will ask you about some of your general attitudes and also ask about your responses to an advert, which will be related to one of these attitudes.
The study will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. Responses will remain completely anonymous and will be used for research purposes only.
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Cognitve Psychology ::
in English
22. 07. 2008 :: |
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How much do you know?
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Joshua K. Hartshorne
Department of Psychology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States of Americaone hou |
A quick 1-2 minute experiment assessing people's general knowledge about the world. Participants will answer a few simple questions and be asked to do a simple task.
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Cognitve Psychology ::
in English
22. 07. 2008 :: |
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How much do you know?
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Mahesh Srinivasan
Harvard University |
A quick 1-2 minute experiment assessing people's general knowledge about the world. Participants will answer a few simple questions.
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Social Psychology ::
in English
29. 04. 2008 :: |
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Development and validation of a measure of body comparison
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Travis A. Ryan and Todd G. Morrison
National University of Ireland, Galway |
I invite you to do an on-line psychology questionnaire (for my PhD research at NUIG). Participants will have a chance to win a 100 EURO voucher. My research concerns attitudes, beliefs, and behaviours related to the body. Participation is VOLUNTARY and responses will be kept ANONYMOUS and CONFIDENTIAL. To learn more about the research and access the questionnaire, please click on the link provided.
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Cognitve Psychology ::
in English
25. 03. 2008 :: |
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Referring to objects
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Albert Gatt
University of Aberdeen |
Describe objects in a visual domain.
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Social Psychology ::
in English
31. 03. 2008 :: |
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First Impressions
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Monica Welter, Ulf-Dietrich Reips
University of Zürich |
You will have to answer some questions about a person described in a review form and some about yourself. It won't take long, just 15-20 minutes of your time.
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Social Psychology ::
in English
29. 01. 2008 :: |
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Making Employee Promotion Decisions
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Theresa Houlihan
University of Nebraska at Omaha |
We are looking at how people make decisions as to which employees to promote. You will be asked to complete a judgment task regarding promotions and to fill out additional surveys.
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Cognitve Psychology ::
in English
01. 01. 2008 :: |
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Psychology of minor experiences
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J. Stephan Jellinek
privatee> |